In 2012 Jamie and Jonathan made the leap into full time ministry and have lived by faith ever since. This has enabled them the freedom to spend more time leading worship, writing and recording music, and sowing into the body of Christ both regionally and nationally. They are also both husbands and fathers to young families.
If you would like to become a financial partner for Jamie & Jonathan, please fill out the form below!
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Want to download “Spirit of Revelation”?
Spirit of Revelation is the first song off of a full length album project we have planned for this year. If you would like to make a donation of any size towards this project, we will be happy to send you the download link for this song as a thank you, and that will help us get the rest of this project funded!
Just use the form below to donate and you should receive the email with download link immediately.
Check out our album “Bloodlines”

Also Available: “Glory In The Blues”