We met this past weekend at Faith Love Outreach for a 24 Hour event leading up to Pentecost Sunday and the Global Day of Prayer. We feel much was accomplished in Heaven and on the Earth.
Thanks Pastor Steve for you hospitality and your heart!
If you did not make it, here is what you missed:
We opened with a time of declaring the holiness of God – as our theme was the Lord’s Prayer, this was a powerful place to start. We also declared that we were setting ourselves apart for the Lord for this time – just like the disciples in the Upper Room.
Pastor Tom then led out in worship with many original songs declaring Kingdom principles. As we continued on, the Lord began to reveal that it was time to break off the spirit of abortion from the ‘womb of the nation’ – Philadelphia. We prayed and prophesied that the purposes of God, covenants and lives that the have been aborted in the past would be aborted no longer! We pleaded the Blood of Jesus over Philadelphia. We then declared the faithfulness of God who is faithful to us even when we are unfaithful to him. We had the two witnesses declare the faithfulness of God in testimony and believe that by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, the spirit of abortion was broken!
As the Gateway HOP team came to minister, they brought forth a word about loving God and loving our neighbors. We declared this over the City of Brotherly Love. The Lord also called us to call forth the watchmen in Philadelphia – it was a powerful prayer that we are already seeing answers to! We continued to declare the love of God as Tim sang ‘Here is Love’ – the primary prayer/song of the Moravians.
Next, Breakthru led in a time of worship/prayer that focused on the ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ part of the Lord’s Prayer. The Lord was revealing that He was calling the Church in Philadelphia to see that they are truly rich in Him and to be ready to give and be poured out upon/for the city. We also declared that man lives by every word from the mouth of God and that our food is to do His will. We began to intercede for those who have been deceived by the spirit of Islam declared 1 Timothy 2:5. We believe that God was removing the veils of unbelief.
Nathan continued the intercession for Muslims in Philadelphia and the declaring of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We prayed for God to move up and down Germantown Ave. Kathi then ministered. She too sang original songs declaring and praying many things on the heart of God. As Pastor Rob came to minister, the atmosphere was already saturated with adoration and praise for God. Pastor Rob led in a time of declaring the victory and strength of the Lord over Philadelphia and the saints in Philadelphia.
The next segment was led by Ruth and the MFJ team. Ruth first presented a medallion to Jamie (as a representative of PTOD). The medallion had an image of William Penn on one side and a the State seal on the other side. Ruth shared that the medallion was a reminder of what PTOD carries from the Lord and the heart to return to the vision of William Penn. Ruth also presented one of the medallions to Pastor Steve as a gatekeeper in that region. We continued on in prayer, praying the prayers from the Global Day of Prayer guide that millions of other believers around the world were praying. It was a powerful time of unity.
Following that, Dave and September ministered in worship and prayer. Their heart for those trapped in darkness was very plain. As they led, they shared that they had not been down in the area where the event was held for many years – at which time both of them were addicted to drugs. They shared about how much they had to be thankful for. A word came forth that they were actually a fulfillment to the prayer earlier in the event that people would recognize they are rich in Him and be willing to be poured out for the city. They truly poured out their hearts in a powerful time of ministering to the Lord. A word also came forth that they were ones to whom God has given authority over the ‘streets’ and that God was causing them to ‘become’ rather than just ‘do’.
Hanan was up next and led in a time of Messianic worship – there was much dancing and praise to Yeshua! We also took this opportunity to intercede for Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. As we segued into the final segment indoors, we praised God for all He had done, prayed specifically for God to establish the Tabernacle of David and prayed for the PTOD team.
In the final portion of the 24 we went on a prayer walk to Penn Treaty Park (the place where William Penn signed a treaty with the First Nations People). The church where we were was only about 1 mile from PTP. As we walked, we claimed the ground for Christ and declared that Philadelphia is the inheritance of Jesus! When we reached PTP, we gathered at the statue of William Penn and prayed his prayer for Philadelphia. We also declared the righteous roots in Philadelphia would again come forth and that God would heal the land.
It was a wonderful and powerful time – thanks to all who participated both formally and informally.
Awesome! Thanks for the recap. Not only does it give us who were not there the opportunity to say “Amen, so be it,” but it also reinforces the proclamation. May God’s messengers run swiftly with the written message, imparting and proclaiming that which has been established. Amen!
Thanks Ralph! Glad to know that folks are checking this out and are encouraged by it. God is moving quickly in getting things established in Philly.