The Lord has impressed upon us that we are now in a new season like Amos 9: 11 – 15. It is a season of great fruitfulness and acceleration. But it begins with the Lord raising up the Tabernacle of David, and the time is now. Based upon this word, we at PTOD have been proclaiming the following declaration. We invite you to join us in proclaiming this daily out loud so we become one voice sharing one heart and faith until everything is fully manifested.


We thank You, Lord, that it is now the time of the end of Amos. You are raising up the Tabernacle of David – here in Philadelphia. You are repairing and rebuilding it as the power center of the advance of Your kingdom. Therefore we declare that its place is appointed, its furnishings fully provided, the personnel are coming forth. The King of kings has ordained it and He will sustain it.

We thank You, Lord, that this is Your word. As we openly proclaim these things, Your word is going forth. It will not return to You empty, but it will accomplish all of Your purpose. The angels who do Your word are now activated. They are going forth to clear away all obstacles and to gather together all the resources for the Tabernacle of David.

We expect to recognize and obtain the exact building You have chosen. We receive Your favor and multitudes of divine appointments bringing finances and furnishings to the Tabernacle of David. Everyday new opportunities and contacts are opening to us.

We call forth all those appointed to the Tabernacle of David. We declare in the name of Jesus that each of you is now released from previous obligations to answer the summons of the Lord. We declare provision for all of your needs according to the Lord’s own riches. We welcome you. Thank you, Lord, for the assistance of Your angels to gather all of these in.

Oh Lord, this is a season of great acceleration over what we have known before. We therefore set ourselves to expect that what we declare will happen very rapidly. We call upon and receive Your grace that will enable us to both receive and utilize all that You are bringing to us, as we daily stay in total dependence upon and harmony with Your Spirit.