Recently we were visited by some new friends.  Bill and Jeanette Hunter are from Texas and have a heart to pray for Philadelphia.  Bill is a lawyer, author and intercessor who believes that Philadelphia is a key city in this nation – especially as it pertains to government.  You can visit Bill’s site at where you can also purchase his books.  Bill and Jeanette were joined by Dot and Sam King (from Lancaster).

Providentially, they traveled to Pennsylvania to pray for Philadelphia and ended up at Barry Wissler’s (from HarvestNET) B&B.  That is how we got connected.

We visited three sites . . . Penn Treaty Park, City Hall and Independence Mall.  At all three locations we took a moment and prayed into the revelation that God was giving Bill and others.  It was a great time to get to meet Bill and friends.

God is bringing people from around the nation to pray for Philadelphia!!